Saturday, February 13, 2021

Antibody screening for transplant

Screening for preformed antibodies

In solid organ transplant, preventing hyperacute rejection is the primary aim. The recipient serum is tested for antibodies against the commonest HLA antigens in the population ('panel'); however, the sheer number of different HLA antigens (about 15000 and ever increasing) make it a difficult test to be done manually.

In the solid phase bead assay, single/ multiple such antigens are attached to plastic beads and read by a specialised flow cytometer.

No anti-MHC antibodies in recipient serum; transplant can proceed

Non specific antibodies binding to beads, mostly against DQ and DP antibodies; transplant can proceed

High titre of antibodies against MHC Class II (DQ); contraindication to transplantatinon

Very high titre of antibdies against MHC Class I; a definite contraindication to transpant

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