Saturday, June 29, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019

An obscure leukemia

56m; fever for a week; no organomegaly. Hb 2g/dL, WBC 1.18 L, Plt 40000. Peripheral blood shows 90% atypical cells: cleaved nuceli, mildly granular cytoplasm, focal Auer rods, prominent nucleolus.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Machine learning model for breast cancer cytology

A machine learning model for breast cancer cytology

Building on the edifice of VGG16, we extracted the penultimate layer of the model and fed it to a logistic regression. The results are here

Intermediate layers of the network

An example prediction

Next generation sequencing: Part 1

 Imagine solving a puzzle with 100 pieces, each piece a centimeter in size, something like this: The genome is considerably larger than this...